Free Download Offline Bible For Android Mobile
Using the Bible App Versions When Offline (No Internet Connection)
Jul 27, 2019 Bible by Life Church. Price: Free The Bible app by Life Church is probably the best of all the Bible apps. It comes with a whole bunch of features. The app gives you offline access so you can read. Download Bible Offline 7.7.1. Take this offline Bible with you everywhere you go. Bible Offline is an app that, as its name indicates, lets you read the 'Word of God' without an Internet connection. Many other Bible apps do need a connection to use them. By default users can download the Bible in their. Tens of millions of people are using the Bible App™ to make God's Word a part of their daily lives. Download the free app and access your bookmarks, notes, and reading plans from anywhere. Enjoy hundreds of versions, including audio, all on your mobile device.
Before downloading a Bible version
- Be signed in to the app on the mobile device (to create a YouVersion account, select link here)
- Be sure to have a strong WiFi connection (preferred)
- Bible versions take up less than .2GB
- In some cases, publishers may request access to the email address associated with the account in order for the version to be downloaded
- This will not generate advertising
Download Offline Translation
Nov 11, 2019 Download Bible Offline apk 7.8.3 for Android. Read the holy bible for free. Bible offline in more than 80 versions. Offline bible free download - The Holy Bible: Free Offline Bible, Bible Offline, Offline Bible Free, and many more programs.

- Select the READ (Bible) button
- Select the version short code (e.g. KJV) to the right of the book and chapter
- Scroll through the list to find the preferred version
- Select the DOWNLOAD button (Not all versions will have this available)
- Once downloaded, the word will be replaced with a check mark
Access Offline Translation
- Be sure to access the version once while online before using offline
- Activating Airplane Mode will allow version to be read without using data
- Calls, text, and data cannot be accessed while in Airplane Mode
Delete Offline Translation

- Sometimes it might be necessary to delete a downloaded version from the device in order to diagnose or fix a problem, or to free up space on your device
- Select More (three lines) button
- Scroll down and select Settings
- Scroll down and select Manage Offline Versions
- Select the drop down beside EXTERNAL or INTERNAL
Free Download Offline Bible For Android Mobile App
- You can also change storage location
- Select DELETE
- Select DELETE again to confirm
Downloading a version only downloads the TEXT of the Bible for use offline (audio is not available for offline use)
Uninstalling the app from your device will delete all related files, including downloaded versions. However, updating the app via the app store should not affect them
Some versions, including NASB, AMP, and NLT were available for download for a short while in previous years, and are no longer available. If deleted, they will not be recoverable